Saturday 3 January 2015

The plant factory: is micropropagation a force for good?

In the lab:micropropagation was originally developed for crop research but has since benefited gardeners
 Photo: Getty Images/Science Photo Libra

As a 20-year-old, working in a lowly post in vegetable research, I was in a
small team that used...
The plant factory: is micropropagation a force for good?

The best gardens to visit in January 2015

Winter walks: a couple chill out with a bracing stroll at Kew
 Photo: Eden Breitz / Alamy

The adults are stuffed with stuffing, the children are jumped up on chocolate.
Getting out of the house is desirable – in some cases an urgent necessity...
The best gardens to visit in January 2015

Alys Fowler: a barrier to keep the wind at bay

The wind likes to garden. It delights in whipping a bush into a shape, sweeping autumn leaves into corners, toppling those with lofty desires and desiccating the tender. It can be kind, too, bringing soft breezes that cool the sweltering and clear the air. But we notice the wind mostly when...
Alys Fowler: a barrier to keep the wind at bay